Build a Bed With Stairs

How to Build a Bed With Stairs

When parents have a new Kids bunk bed with stairs in it, one of their biggest questions is going to be "Is it safe?" Most people tend to think that a bunk bed with stairs is just as dangerous as a traditional two or three bed. The truth is, while a two or three bed will be more of a challenge to make sure the kids don't hurt themselves or trip on loose parts, a bunk bed with stairs is much harder. In this article, I'm going to give you some tips and ideas for making sure your kids don't wind up injured while using their new bed. Keep reading to learn how you can sleep soundly at night knowing that your kids won't wind up on the floor in a gondola.

First, before you even take out the old bed with stairs, you have to remove the legs and bottom board on the bed. This means you're going to need to use a pair of locking pliers and a wooden screws. You should also take a measurement of the inside of the bed so you know the width of the opening you're going to use to slide the wood screws in. Take all of this information with you to the shop, so you'll have a set of wood screws that are exact size.

Once you've taken all of this information, you can start to measure the inside of the bed, making sure to write down every single inch. After you have all of your measurements, you can go ahead and pull out the old bed with stairs. Now, you have to take out the bolts and nuts that hold everything together inside. You'll want to keep a pair of spools of nails in each set. It's easier to work with the nails on the right side of the bed and the wrong side of the bed when you're assembling it.

After you have all of these items ready, you can take all of the pieces and cut them so they are the same size. The next thing you will want to do is assemble the parts of the bed with stairs to make sure the stairs are the same length as the bed itself. After you have assembled the pieces, you can use the wood screws to put everything together.

In order to be able to attach the stairs to the triple bunk bed, you're going to need a set of bed plans. These are available at most lumber yards or online retailers. Once you have the plans, take all of the pieces you have to cut and assemble the stairs according to the instructions provided in the plan.

When you put everything together, you will notice that the stairs are attached to the bed exactly where the steps were attached. The only difference is now you have put the stairs directly under the bed instead of placing them underneath it. Using 2 pieces of plywood and two long screws, you should be able to attach the stairs to the bed. With these instructions, you should be able to assemble stairs in no time and be able to create a beautiful bunk bed with slide in the shortest amount of time possible.


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